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Configuring CI/CD GitLab on Ubuntu: Installation and Configuration Examples

GitLab is a platform for storing and managing projects based on Git technology. It allows you to manage repositories, tasks, bugs and more. However, one of the most useful features is the ability to configure CI/CD for automatically build, test and deploy your application, which allows you to speed up the process development and reduce the time to check the code.

Installing GitLab Runner on Ubuntu Server

GitLab Runner is an agent that runs tasks defined in the .gitlab-ci.yml file, on your server. To install GitLab Runner on the server Ubuntu, follow these steps:

  1. Add the GitLab repository to the list of APT sources:
    curl -L <> | sudo bash
  2. Install GitLab Runner:
    sudo apt-get install gitlab-runner
  3. Launch GitLab Runner:
    sudo gitlab-runner start
  4. Register GitLab Runner:
    sudo gitlab-runner register

    When registering, follow the instructions on screen.

    Note: You will need to enter a URL GitLab, registration token and choose the type of registration (by default, this is registration with token).

    After registration is complete, GitLab Runner will ready to perform tasks on your server.

This is a simple example of installing GitLab Runner on a server Ubuntu. You can set up GitLab Runner to run tasks on other operating systems such as Windows and macOS using the instructions provided on the GitLab site.

How to run GitLab Runner?

After installing GitLab Runner on your server, you can use it to perform the tasks defined in the .gitlab-ci.yml file. To start it GitLab Runner, follow these steps:

  1. Customize the .gitlab-ci.yml file according to your requirements.
  2. Add .gitlab-ci.yml file to your project repository.
  3. Start the pipeline by selecting the appropriate commit in your repository.
    Note: Pipeline will be launched automatically on every new commit in your repository, if you have configured the appropriate integration.

This is a simple example of running GitLab Runner on a server Ubuntu. You can set up GitLab Runner to run tasks on other operating systems such as Windows and macOS using the instructions provided on the GitLab site.

Launching the pipeline

Once you've created the .gitlab-ci.yml file, defined the CI/CD pipeline, set up GitLab Runner and added the file to the repository, you can run pipeline. To do this, go to the "CI/CD" section in your project and click on the "Run pipeline" button.


GitLab is a powerful tool for project management and CI/CD settings. With the help of GitLab, you can significantly speed up the development process, improve the quality of the code and improve teamwork. If you haven't used GitLab yet, we recommend trying it in action.

Configuring CI/CD GitLab

After installing GitLab, you need to set up CI/CD for your project. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Create a .gitlab-ci.yml file in your project's root directory.
  2. Define a CI/CD pipeline in this file. Pipeline example:
    - build
    - test
    - deploy
       stage: build
       - echo "Building the app..."
       stage: test
       - echo "Running tests..."
       stage: deploy
       - echo "Deploying the app..."

    This pipeline defines three steps: build, test, and deploy. At each stage, a certain script is executed.

  3. Save .gitlab-ci.yml and add it to the repository.
  4. If you are using GitLab CI/CD for a web application, you can use GitLab Pages to deploying your application.
    Note: GitLab Pages allows deploy your web application to a static site.

This is a simple example of setting up CI/CD GitLab on Ubuntu. You you can set up more complex pipelines for your project depending on its needs.

How to set up CI/CD in GitLab?

For starters, it's worth noting that setting up CI/CD in GitLab includes several steps that must be followed sequentially. However, if you follow instructions, the setup process will not take you much time.

Creating .gitlab-ci.yml

The first step is to create a file .gitlab-ci.yml in the root directory of your project. This file defines the CI/CD pipeline and describes what actions should run at each step.

Defining the CI/CD pipeline

To define a CI/CD pipeline in .gitlab-ci.yml file, you must define the stages into which your process should be divided. For example, you can divide the process into three steps: build, test, and deploy.

Each stage should contain a list of tasks that need to be execute at this stage. For example, during the build phase, you can specify a command to compile the application.

Saving and adding a file to the repository

After you have defined the CI/CD pipeline in .gitlab-ci.yml file, save it and add it to your project repository.

Configuring GitLab Runner

GitLab Runner is an agent that runs tasks defined in the .gitlab-ci.yml file, on your server. Before you can use GitLab Runner, you need to set it up.

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