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PgBouncer Ubuntu setup and testing

PgBouncer is a proxy server that allows you to manage a connection pool to a PostgreSQL database. In this article, we will look at how to set up and test PgBouncer on Ubuntu.

#DevOps #Technologies #Linux #Ubuntu

WordPress, Laravel, Symfony Performance Tests

When it comes to choosing a framework for creating a website, performance is one of the main criteria. In this article, we will compare the performance of three popular frameworks: Laravel, Symfony and WordPress.

#Technologies #Symfony #Laravel #Wordpress #PHP

Choosing the technology to create a portal site

To create a portal site, you can use various technologies, such as Laravel, Symfony or WordPress. In this case, consider the choice between Symfony and Laravel and explain why WordPress is not a good option.

#Symfony #Laravel #PHP #Technologies #Wordpress

Choosing the technology to create an online school website

When creating an online school website , it is necessary to choose the appropriate technology for the implementation of the project. There are many tools for creating websites, such as Laravel, Symfony and WordPress. In this article we will explain why we choose Laravel.

#Symfony #Laravel #PHP #Technologies #Wordpress

The choice of technology for creating a corporate website

When choosing a technology for creating a corporate website, one of the most important issues is the choice between WordPress, Symfony and Laravel. In this article, we will look at the main advantages of each of these platforms and compare them with each other.

#Technologies #Symfony #Laravel #Wordpress #PHP

How to order the perfect website design?

In the modern digital age, a website is often the main point of contact between a company and its customers. Therefore, it is very important that your site not only looks great, but also functions perfectly. Creating a website is a process that can take a lot of time and effort, especially if you are not familiar with the digital world. High-quality interaction between the customer and the web designer is a key factor in the success of the project, so you need to follow a few simple tips that will help you create a beautiful, functional and effective website. Regardless of whether you work with a design studio or with a freelance designer, there are certain things you can do to make the process go smoothly. In this article we will give you tips and recommendations on how to order the perfect website design.

#Design #Technologies

Setting up a server on Ubuntu to deploy a project on PHP-FPM Laravel Nginx

To successfully deploy a project on PHP-FPM Laravel Nginx, you need to properly configure the server on Ubuntu. In this article, we'll walk through the necessary steps and provide code examples to help you with the setup.

#DevOps #Laravel

Настройка сервера на Ubuntu для проекта на Python Django с использованием Nginx и Apache

Для того чтобы развернуть свой проект на Python Django на сервере Ubuntu, то вам понадобится настроить окружение и установить необходимые компоненты. В этой статье мы расскажем, как настроить сервер Ubuntu для развертывания проекта на Python Django с использованием Nginx или Apache.

#DevOps #Python

Success is determined by preparation

Что бы понимать куда идти нужно иметь цель.Без аналитической работы создание сайта похоже на шарлатанство, а дизайн на украшательство.
Начало работы над любым проектом - аналитика ситуации.
Что мы делаем? Изучаем целевую аудиторию. Кто и как покупает продукт.

#Technologies #Design

Sphinx Search Configuration Example

Sphinx Search is a powerful and fast full text search engine that can be used to search through large amounts of data. In this article, we will look at an example configuration for Sphinx Search using the example of searching for products in an online store.

#DevOps #Search #Sphinx


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